Monday, April 15, 2019

Artist Statement: 
This week in photography our goal was to create portraits of each classmate by studying and recreating the technique that they used in their Winter Series. 

Jackson takes pictures of nature up close and at a low angle for the object to take up the majority of the frame. Also, he edits the picture in a black and white filter and changes the exposure effects. 

Jimmy would place an object or multiple objects in the foreground with a source of light in the background to make the object darker, and this would create a silhouette. Also, he edited his photos with a black and white filter, and on occasion change the background color of his pictures.  In the majority of his photos he photographed nature. 

Brannan isolates the object in the frame by manipulating the one-sided light and the background. He edits the photos in black and white and changes the exposure. 

Laurel takes portraits of people and fades them into a cityscape background. She edits the photo in black and white and increases/decreases the exposure of each photograph.

Kevin places himself in a dark room and uses the flashlight on his phone. He slows the shutter speed on the camera and moves his phone in a quick motion to receive a unique photo.