Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Artist Statement:
This week in photography, we are beginning a new project where we, as photographers, decide what new techniques and skills we want to explore. I have chosen to take pictures of a model in different positions within the same environment. First, I placed a camera onto a tripod and corrected the angle and location of the camera. I needed to keep the camera completely still for this assignment to function successfully. I would then direct the model to move around in the environment and change poses.  Once I've obtained the photos, I would then edit the pictures in PicMonkey, which is a software that our class uses to edit images. Within PicMonkey, I have learned a new technique which is layering two images over each other with the butterfly icon. I then fade both photos then use the eraser tool to erase a specific part of the image that I wanted to become visible.  I have learned several new skills over several weeks. First, I have learned to increase the speed at which I edit these images. When talking further with Mr. Whiton, I had concluded that I needed to change the way that I approached editing these photos. I needed to flatten the image and change the position of both images when erasing. This cut the amount of time that I would spend editing each photo. Also, I have learned several new techniques and to improve the quality of the picture and to further my editing skills.  I would use the burn tool to darken exposure of my model and to make them all cohesive, and then I have experimented with leaving the shadow of the model, and I have noticed that it makes the character and the picture more realistic. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Artist Statement: 
This week in photography, we are beginning a new project where we, as photographers, decide what new techniques and skills we want to explore. I have chosen to take pictures of a model in different positions within the same environment. First, I placed a camera onto a tripod and corrected the angle and location of the camera. I needed to keep the camera completely still for this assignment to function successfully. I would then direct the model to move around in the environment and change poses.  Once I've obtained the photos, I would then edit the pictures in PicMonkey, which is a software that our class uses to edit images. Within PicMonkey, I have learned a new technique which is layering two images over each other with the butterfly icon. I then fade both photos then use the eraser tool to erase a specific part of the image that I wanted to become visible. This process would take me hours upon hours because of how detailed one must be when editing these types of photos. This is, by far, my favorite assignment from this semester in photography.